Business Day | 7-feb-2018
International mining companies, which include Randgold, Glencore and China Molybdenum, have said they will challenge the new law through international arbitration, and are lobbying Kabila not to sign it.
EJIL: Talk! | 7-feb-2018
The European Commission reportedly proposed a model for the fast track ratification of trade deals that should be applied for the first time to the new trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand.
Asia Society Policy Institute | 6-feb-2018
Certain long-standing provisions of trade agreements, specifically ISDS, are worthy of reconsideration.
Asia Times | 6-feb-2018
A new battle is taking shape on the world scene. It sees China and the West compete in affirming their respective investment standards around the globe.
CIAR Global | 6-feb-2018
Tras la sexta ronda de negociaciones México y Canadá se han negado a aceptar la alternativa propuesta por EE.UU. al actual sistema de arbitraje de inversiones que contempla el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN).
Global Research | 5-feb-2018
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has boasted of his commitment to progressive economic, environmental and social policies. At the same time, has been a passionate warrior in his pursuit and defence of so-called ‘free trade’ agreements.
The Citizen | 5-feb-2018
A Johannesburg businessman, trying to sue the Mozambique government for over $91 million (R1 billion), has taken the SA government to court after officials allegedly sided with the neighbouring country in the dispute.
IIED | 1ro-feb-2018
Where PPP projects turn sour, governments could be exposed to arbitration claims under applicable investment treaties.
Pulso | 31-ene-2018
El 8 de enero se llevó a cabo la primera reunión del tribunal, en el que se determinó que el 9 de febrero Alsacia presente los argumentos que sustentan su demanda. Además, se acordaron dos rondas de escritos.
Televisa | 31-ene-2018
México y Canadá rechazaron una propuesta del gobierno del presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, para modificar el sistema de paneles de arbitraje corporativos en el marco del TLCAN.