AFTINET | 12-jui-2019
A new study of trade and investment deals concluded in 2018 by UNCTAD shows that most have either omitted ISDS altogether or severely limited its scope, reports AFTINET
Reuters | 14-mai-2019
Poland’s prime minister and other government officials will meet to discuss a threat by Australia’s Prairie Mining to sue Warsaw over difficulties it faced in developing coal projects
UNSW | 7-mai-2019
A former investment treaty between India and Australia allows for a legal claim if the mine doesn’t go ahead, but this shouldn’t deter a federal government, says a UNSW Law researcher.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 30-avr-2019
Instead of categorically dismissing ISDS, the IACEPA clarifies the protection that the States are willing to grant to investors ; and procedural rules that they are willing to adopt.
The Guardian | 23-avr-2019
Florida-based APR Energy sought compensation for treatment of its gas turbines.
AFTINET | 11-avr-2019
Detailed scrutiny of the text of the recent Indonesia trade deal has revealed that there are no provisions to cancel the old 1993 Indonesia-Australia bilateral investment agreement.
Bangkok Post | 1er-avr-2019
The Australian mining company Kingsgate Consolidated, armed with a US$55-million insurance payout for the closure of its gold mine in Thailand, says it now has the financial means to pursue its arbitration case against the Thai government.
Lexology | 29-mar-2019
On 26 March 2019, Australia and Hong Kong signed the Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement and its associated investment agreement.
The Conversation | 27-mar-2019
Philip Morris, a US company, moved ownership of its Australian operations to Hong Kong to take advantage of ISDS in an Australia-Hong Kong investment treaty.