CIAR Global | 16-mar-2022
El informe por Climate Change Counsel muestra que las cuestiones relativas al cambio climático y a la transición energética han estado ausentes de los laudos arbitrales en el marco del Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía.
Climate Change Counsel | 15-mar-2022
In 2021-22, Climate Change Counsel conducted a study of arbitral awards rendered under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT).
DLA Piper | 11-mar-2022
Recent reforms in the French solar energy market mean that investors need to take action to protect their investments.
No a los TCI | 10-mar-2022
Un nuevo análisis del Instituto Internacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible (IISD) alerta de que los compromisos climáticos adoptados en Glasgow corren peligro para los países firmantes del TCE debido a su impacto en las inversiones fósiles.
Both Ends | 4-mar-2022
From a climate perspective, the expected reform outcome is a failure. No Contracting Party will end investment protection for fossil fuels in a timeline that is necessary to align with the Paris Agreement.
Le Vif | 28-feb-2022
Le Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie (TCE) pourrait mettre en échec l’adoption de mesures structurelles ambitieuses de protection sociale visant à contrer la hausse de prix de l’énergie et à protéger les ménages.
Climate Home News | 28-feb-2022
The German government has been worried about being sued by the fossil fuel companies behind the Russian gas pipeline under the Energy Charter Treaty.
Climate Home News | 26-ene-2022
Campaigners say the UK and Switzerland are defending fossil fuel interests in Energy Charter Treaty modernisation talks to tempt firms to relocate their HQs.
IISD | 24-ene-2022
The fossil fuel industry is the most litigious industry in the ISDS system by number of cases, accounting for almost 20% of the total known ISDS cases across all sectors.
AK Europa | 19-ene-2022
This policy brief outlines not only serious reasons for terminating the treaty but also various possible exit scenarios.