Reporterre | 23-Apr-2019
Texaco — Et pourtant nous vaincrons, une nouvelle BD, relate l’histoire du désastre environnemental en Amazonie et de la lutte en justice des affectés.
The Guardian | 23-Apr-2019
Florida-based APR Energy sought compensation for treatment of its gas turbines.
Business Recorder | 22-Apr-2019
Pakistan government is reportedly in talks with the Turkish government and M/s Karkey for an out-of-court settlement to avert attachment of Pakistan’s properties in Europe
Reuters | 17-Apr-2019
Guaido’s special prosecutor said has challenged the amount of the ICSID award, claiming “the methodology to determine the compensation was errant.”
El Salto Diario | 16-Apr-2019
El Estado español se enfrenta a 35 demandas por el recorte a las renovables de los gobiernos de Zapatero y Rajoy. Según un nuevo informe, las indemnizaciones podrían sumar otros 6.500 millones a los 400 a los que ya ha sido condenado a pagar el Estado español.
SeeNews | 11-Apr-2019
EVN and Bulgaria reached an out-of-court settlement, under which part of the claims regarding the remuneration obligations for renewable energy were offset between a Bulgarian EVN subsidiary and the Bulgarian state-owned National Electricity Company.
Calgary Herald | 9-Apr-2019
The Czech-based company Petrolama Namur Oil Sands Exploration filed a notice of dispute against Canada on March 29 over the delay in completing the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline.
El Salto Diario | 1-Apr-2019
En esta segunda parte abordamos los problemas de los tratados de inversión y los ISDS, ofreciendo varios ejemplos de su presencia en la Unión Europea, incluyendo la delicada situación de España, que se sitúa entre los países más demandados de nuestro entorno.
Open Democracy | 28-Mar-2019
The infamous story of the environmental pollution of the Ecuadorian Amazon by Chevron-Texaco – which has come to be known as the "Ecuadorian Chernobyl" - is entering a new phase.
MENAFN | 26-Mar-2019
British Petroceltic announced filing an arbitration case against the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) at the World Bank Group’s ICSID.