La Jornada | 24-jul-2023
México se ha visto afectado por tres procedimientos de arbitraje comercial en los últimos días, según el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).
Preceso Digital | 24-jul-2023
Honduras amenaza con retirarse del centro de arbitraje de disputas de inversiones con sede en Washington, Estados Unidos en protesta por el reclamo que hizo la sede Prospera por 11 mil millones de dólares.
Bretton Woods Project | 20-jul-2023
Honduras is threatening to withdraw from the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes over an $11 billion claim by Honduras Prospera, a US company.
Ecofin | 20-jul-2023
Le CIRDI a condamné l’État tanzanien à verser 76,7 millions $ à titre de dommages à Indiana Resources pour l’avoir illégalement exproprié du projet de nickel Ntaka Hill.
The East African | 20-jul-2023
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes has ordered Tanzania to pay more than $109 million to a group of companies fronted by Australian miner Indiana Resources Ltd in compensation for the controversial 2018 expropriation of a nickel mine project in Tanzania.
The Citizen | 11-jul-2023
Air Tanzania Company Limited (ATCL) plane that was seized in the Netherlands after a Swedish firm won a $165 million award against Tanzania has been released, says the government.
Forbes | 29-jun-2023
Enerflex busca invalidar un laudo laboral que le ordena pagar más de 2 mil mdp a un exempleado en un caso que se remonta a 2015.
Korea Tech Today | 26-jun-2023
South Korea has been ordered by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes to compensate hedge fund Elliott approximately $108.5 million concerning the 2015 merger of two Samsung subsidiaries. | 16-jun-2023
In the last week, four African countries have received investment arbitration claims before the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Cameroon, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tunisia have been sued by investors from Italy, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
La Tribuna | 13-jun-2023
Honduras rechaza al árbitro aceptado por el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (Ciadi) en el litigio “ilegal” de la ZEDE Próspera, luego de enviar ayer una notificación oficial a este organismo asentado en Washington, Estados Unidos.