investment | BITs
FOEE | 6-Sep-2017
Belgium has requested an opinion from the European Court of Justice on the ’Investment Court System’ included in the EU-Canada trade deal, to determine if the ICS is compatible with the European Treaties
The Hindu | 24-Aug-2017
A committee in India, led by Justice B.N. Srikrishna, has lost an opportunity to push for the recalibration of the country’s BIT regime
The Hindu | 4-Aug-2017
As talks with Canada began before model text was approved by Cabinet, deviations may be allowed.
Lauge Poulsen | 3-Aug-2017
This book synthesises and advances the growing stock of literature on the investment treaty regime by integrating legal, economic, and political perspectives.
TNI | 3-Aug-2017
The Kyrgyz Republic currently faces investment claims in the proximity of 1 billion USD, arising out of investment dispute settlement cases.
Jakarta Post | 28-Jul-2017
Crucial to RCEP’s investment protection chapter is the highly controversial Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism, a system of privatised justice characterised by international arbitration tribunals outside of the reach of domestic legal systems, explains Cecilia Olivet of TNI
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 12-Jul-2017
The ACFI model focuses on dispute prevention and bilateral governance, limiting arbitration to the State-to-State level.
Business Standard | 12-Jul-2017
The JIN includes the definition of investor and investment, exclusion of taxation measures, Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET), National Treatment (NT) and Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment, expropriation, essential security interests and settlement of disputes between an investor and a contracting party,
TNI | 11-Jul-2017
En lugar de abrir la discusión sobre qué inversiones y para qué, la agenda de facilitación restringiría as capacidades de los gobiernos de regular la inversión extranjera.
Le Figaro | 11-Jul-2017
L’Union européenne pourrait exclure les investissements de ses futurs accords commerciaux, y compris celui avec le Japon, ce qui faciliterait leur négociation et leur ratification, a laissé entendre le vice-président de la Commission Jyrki Katainen.