Dawn | 12-nov-2020
Pakistan is actively engaged in negotiations with parties involved in a dispute over the $5.97 billion award against the country in the Reko Diq litigation.
Business Recorder | 5-nov-2020
National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Balochistan has collected irrefutable evidence revealing that billions of rupees have been lost to the national exchequer in the Reko Diq project after the bureau scrutinized its 30-year record.
CIAR Global | 1er-nov-2020
The dispute stems from the Community of Parán’s actions, which invaded Lupaka’s project held through Invicta Mining Corp.
Globe Newswire | 29-oct-2020
The dispute stems from the Community of Parán’s actions, which invaded Lupaka’s project held through Invicta Mining Corp.
Michael West | 27-oct-2020
Australian mining companies are increasingly using ISDS processes and are being awarded billions based on dubious calculations of potential lost profits by unaccountable international tribunals.
IISD | 15-oct-2020
En los últimos años, el Gobierno de Tanzania ha introducido cambios importantes a la legislación que rige la inversión extranjera en recursos naturales, y mecanismos relacionados con la solución de controversias, con el objetivo de librar a este sector de los vestigios de las relaciones “coloniales”.
IISD | 13-oct-2020
La Tanzanie a promulgué des modifications profondes de la législation régissant les investissements étrangers dans le secteur des ressources naturelles, dans le but de débarrasser le secteur des vestiges des relations « colonialistes ».
IISD | 13-oct-2020
Tanzania has enacted significant changes to the legislation governing foreign investment in natural resources with the aim of ridding the sector of the vestiges of “colonial” relationships.
Ecofin | 1er-oct-2020
Indiana Resources réclame 95 millions $ comme dédommagement minimum en réparation du préjudice causé par « l’expropriation illégale » de son permis d’exploration au projet de nickel Ntaka Hill.
Mining Weekly | 30-sep-2020
Indiana Resources has lodged a $95-million compensation claim against the government of Tanzania over the "illegal expropriation” of the Ntaka Hill nickel project.