Nueva Tribuna | 13-fév-2017
El Parlamento Europeo podría estar en vías de ratificar un acuerdo que es ilegal, además de faltar a su deber de asegurar que los tratados europeos respetan los principios fundamentales y leyes de la UE.
OMAL | 13-fév-2017
El presente artículo analiza los posibles impactos de la firma del CETA y del TTIP sobre la agricultura y la alimentación en Europa
El Diario de Carlos Paz | 9-fév-2017
El conjunto de tratados y acuerdos de comercio e inversiones que invaden todo el planeta responde a una lógica jurídica de feudalización del ordenamiento normativo global.
Politico | 7-fév-2017
Brussels has taken a decisive step toward establishing its contentious new investment court as a standard framework for appeals worldwide.
Focus | 3-fév-2017
The recent investment arbitral decision against the Philippines in favor of the Belgian corporation should be a wake up call on the dangers posed by free trade and investment agreements.
Law Gazette | 3-fév-2017
A new mechanism for dispute resolution between the UK and the EU will be needed following Brexit.
TNI | 3-fév-2017
We urge all stakeholders involved in the EU-Mexico FTA negotiations to replace the current far-reaching liberalisation and deregulation agenda with an agreement that regulates investment
Law Gazette | 3-fév-2017
The High Court has handed down a judgment which stays enforcement of an international dispute resolution award in Micula v. Romania case
Buzzfeed | 31-jan-2017
Experts say that to agree trade deals outside the EU, the UK will have to sign up to an “unaccountable” legal system that can force states to overturn laws corporations don’t like.
Borderlex | 24-jan-2017
In reality, the EU’s plans are not realistic in the current international context, nor will they appease ISDS critics