bilatéralisme et multilatéralisme
ICTSD | 30-sep-2010
The US government has called for the creation of a dispute settlement panel under the North American Free Trade Agreement to rule on Mexico’s decision to pursue a complaint about US labelling rules for ‘dolphin safe’ tuna at the WTO rather than under NAFTA.
IPS | 4-mai-2007
How the World Bank’s investment court, free trade agreements, and bilateral investment treaties have unleashed a new era of corporate power and what to do about tt
Australia National University | 16-avr-2007
Peter Drahos looks at the issue of dispute settlement in the gowing web of US bilateral free trade agreements, how this relates to the WTO’s dispute settlement system and the implications for developing countries.
South Centre | 27-sep-2006
One of the issues that has recently started to influence the negotiations for new investment agreements involves the question of the status of IP rights and the impact of investment agreements on the rights, obligations and regulatory discretions of countries under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
| 7-sep-2004
Los países en desarrollo han participado en un gran número de tratados bilaterales de inversión (TBI), así como en acuerdos de libre comercio (ALC) que incluyen obligaciones explícitas de proteger los derechos de la propiedad intelectual por ser considerados como “inversiones”.

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