Lexology | 3-nov-2015
Besides abolishing tariffs and providing for investor-state dispute settlement, some of Vietnam’s highlights under the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact include removing the dreaded economic needs test
Democracy Now | 30-oct-2015
The basic point is that TPP is a trade agreement that has all kinds of provisions intended to restrict regulations.
| 28-oct-2015
Catherine Beard claims there is no problem with the ability of corporations to sue the New Zealand government in offshore tribunals for loss of profits under the TPPA. She bases this on "commissioned research" from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER).
The Japan News | 23-oct-2015
The Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact limits the period for foreign companies to file damages lawsuits against host states over sudden regulatory changes to 3½ years
SUNS | 21-oct-2015
There are many lessons from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that are relevant to the current debate over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Red del Tercer Mundo | 16-oct-2015
Finalmente concluyeron las negociaciones sobre el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP). Si bien el texto oficial aún no se ha hecho público, a partir de informes de prensa y textos filtrados pueden hacerse algunos comentarios preliminares. En primer lugar, el comercio es solo una parte del TPP.
Triple Crisis | 15-oct-2015
TPP, investment agreements, and the governance of land
The Conversation | 9-oct-2015
Up until now, Australia has never agreed to provide American investors with access to Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), whereas Canada has. In total Canada has faced 35 challenges. Australia has been subjected to only one case.
Australasian Lawyer | 9-oct-2015
Law firms are among the many Australian businesses likely to benefit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Global Trade Online | 7-oct-2015
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries have agreed on language that will allow members to exclude tobacco control measures from the scope of investor-state dispute settlement.