Reuters | 22-Sep-2015
Sergei Pugachev, a tycoon once dubbed "Putin’s banker", said on Tuesday that he had filed a $12 billion compensation claim against Russia
The Council of Canadians | 22-Sep-2015
A new report formulates an innovative trade deal exemption clause that allows countries to pursue environmental and climate change policy free from the chilling effects resulting from investor-state dispute settlement provisions in trade agreements.
FFII | 22-Sep-2015
The European Commission has published its investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) reform proposal for the EU-US trade agreement under negotiation (TTIP), which institutionalises discrimination.
Norges Sosiale Forum NSF | 18-Sep-2015
The greatest challenges of our time is to end the unjust distribution in the world and to fight climate change.
GetUp! | 18-Sep-2015
Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), multinational corporations will be able to sue the Australian Government in secret corporate courts over laws that protect our health, environment and workers’ rights.
Le Devoir | 18-Sep-2015
Le mécanisme de règlement des différends indispose une majorité de citoyens
RT | 17-Sep-2015
Visant à rendre l’ISDS acceptable, les modifications de forme proposées menacent d’étendre considérablement le champ de cette justice aux services des multinationales
Euractiv | 16-Sep-2015
According to EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström, "no direct relationship" can be seen between the controversial arbitration tribunals in the draft EU-US trade agreement and increased investment, adding fuel to its critics’ fires.
Financial Express | 15-Sep-2015
Cairn Energy is set to approach the International Court of Justice (ICJ), asking it to appoint an arbitrator on behalf of the Indian government in its $1.6 bn...
Buenos Aires Herald | 15-Sep-2015
Litigation finance treats litigation claims as financeable assets, just like real estate or receivables

ISDS Case Map