CIAR Global | 29-May-2017
Jochem Bernard Buse, fundador holandés de la empresa panameña de inversión Panamá Wall Street SA, ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje en el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones, Ciadi, contra Panamá invocando el Tratado Bilateral de Inversiones Panamá-Holanda.
CELAG | 29-May-2017
La eliminación de las obligaciones inaceptables que representa el CIADI es imprescindible para un país que quiera avanzar en el control soberano y democrático de las actividades empresariales multinacionales en aras del desarrollo socioeconómico y el respeto a los derechos humanos.
Teletica | 29-May-2017
El estado panameño destinó un monto de $3,7 millones para costear la defensa ante la demanda que una sociedad que integra el candidato liberacionista Antonio Álvarez Desanti planteó contra ese país, tiempo atrás, por un litigio por tierras.
Financial Express | 29-May-2017
In the past year, some 62 Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) cases were initiated by the investors against 41 countries.
Libération | 29-May-2017
Moscou menace Paris de représailles à la veille d’une décision judiciaire française portant sur les saisies de biens russes dans l’Hexagone liées à la nationalisation de la compagnie pétrolière.
South Centre | 24-May-2017
The withdrawal of Ecuador from these BITs responds to the final stage of a review process that started in 2008, and which had led to the establishment of a joint government-civil society audit commission.
European Law Blog | 22-May-2017
The Court’s Opinion has consequences for future EU trade deals such as CETA and potentially a future UK-EU FTA.
EJIL: Talk! | 19-May-2017
The Court of Justice for the European Union fired a significant shot at investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), and the result is likely to be much more than just a flesh wound.
PACS | 19-May-2017
The BRICS Group was born in the century XXI with renewed expectations of changes in the world order through greater participation of the Global South. However, what we have witnessed so far is the consolidation of a new/old unequal world order. | 18-May-2017
RCEP negotiations have been highly conspiratorial and undemocratic, with all 18 rounds of trade discussions held in secret and no reports shared with the public