Zone Bourse | 19-Dec-2016
Le CIRDI a rendu un décision, favorable à Edenred, dans le cadre de la requête qui opposait le groupe à l’Etat hongrois.
Globe Newswire | 19-Dec-2016
The ICSID delivered its decision in Edenred’s arbitration claim against the Hungarian State in the Group’s favor.
Friends of the Earth International | 16-Dec-2016
RCEP also includes the controversial Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism (ISDS), which is facing increasing public criticism and scrutiny worldwide.
The News | 16-Dec-2016
Pakistan favours the resolution of trade disputes through established multilateral settlement systems instead of ad-hoc tribunals, an official said.
La Tribune | 15-Dec-2016
Les accords commerciaux entre pays ont du plomb dans l’aile, à l’exemple de l’accord transatlantique Europe-Etats-Unis (Tafta/TTIP). Mais faut-il vraiment le regretter?
América Económica | 15-Dec-2016
Tenaris y su subsidiaria Talta acudieron al Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (CIADI) en el 2012 por la expropiación de sus inversiones en Tubos de Acero de Venezuela SA (Tavsa) y Complejo Siderúrgico de Guayana (Comsigua).
Jakarta Post | 15-Dec-2016
The Indonesian government should stick to its policy of removing the investor-state dispute-settlement (ISDS) mechanism from its bilateral investment or trade treaties.
Reuters | 15-Dec-2016
A World Bank tribunal ordered Venezuela to pay steelmaker Tenaris SA $162 million for expropriating two investments in the country
Bloomberg | 15-Dec-2016
The European Union and Canada will launch a proposal for a new global investment court system for settlements of disputes between states and foreign investors over discriminatory treatment.
El Boletín | 14-Dec-2016
Ambas instituciones quieren convertir esos tribunales en un verdadero órgano internacional.