Global Labour Column | 28-Sep-2016
For decades, labour has been fighting purely defensive battles against the neo-liberal trade and investment agenda; we lack an agenda of our own. Lost ground will not be reclaimed on what is fundamentally hostile territory, argues Peter Rossmann of the IUF.
Oneworld | 27-Sep-2016
The so-called “ISDS” has been existing for years already. A revealing look in the hidden world of investor-state dispute settlement.
TNI | 23-Sep-2016
How CETA’s investor protection rules could result in a boom of investor claims against Canada and the EU.
TNI | 23-Sep-2016
Cómo las normas de protección de las inversiones en el ceta podrían generar un auge de demandas de inversores contra Canadá y la UE.
CEO | 23-Sep-2016
Les règles de protection des investisseurs de l’AECG pourraient mener à l’explosion des poursuites d’investisseurs contre le Canada et l’Union européenne.
Politico | 22-Sep-2016
Critics of the TPP rage against the Investor State Dispute Settlement system. Here’s how to fix it.
Columbia FDI Perspectives | 21-Sep-2016
An Investment Court would become a device for neoliberal rules of investment protection with even greater authority.
Deutsche Welle | 21-Sep-2016
The EU-US free trade deal is controversial in Europe as it includes a mechanism that seeks to settle disputes between investors and states out of regular courts. DW examines the issue with law professor Gus Van Harten.
La Diaria | 21-Sep-2016
Michelle Bachelet, mantiene el secretismo sobre el TPP, impulsado por Barack Obama, ya que ni los ciudadanos ni los parlamentarios chilenos saben la fecha exacta en que llegará al Congreso el tratado, ni qué urgencia tendrá su tramitación.