Deccan Herald | 26-Aug-2016
India and United States will try to narrow differences on a proposed Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) next week, although an early breakthrough seems unlikely.
The Hindu Businessline | 25-Aug-2016
Reform of the international investment agreement regime has swept many countries, including Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, India and the EU, writes the Secretary-General of CUTS. What are the reasons for the growing scepticism? What lies ahead?
Rebelión | 24-Aug-2016
Las elecciones en Estados Unidos, que se celebrarán en noviembre próximo, serán una fecha clave que definirá el futuro de este Tratado.
TDM | 23-Aug-2016
The papers from this "Three Centuries of Arbitration for Peace" TDM/SCC Special are runner-up submissions of the writing competition initiated by the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC).
El Salmón Contracorriente | 22-Aug-2016
Desde La Real Academia del Salmón (La RAS) os traemos este listado de eufemismos del TTIP y el CETA para ’entender’ cuáles son las ’bondades’ que hay que abrazar y las ’barreras’ para eliminar según los defensores de los tratados de libre comercio.
IRA | 21-Aug-2016
Outline of the differences between two countries’ model BITs as they seek to negotiate an agreement.
CBC | 20-Aug-2016
Leaked meeting notes posted earlier this month by ’Politico Europe’ suggest that as recently as July 15, countries couldn’t agree on what parts of the agreement should apply when.
Lexology | 19-Aug-2016
The BRICS countries are discussing what kind of arbitration system is needed to settle commercial and investment disputes between them.
Daily Business Review | 17-Aug-2016
Glencore International has notified Bolivia that it has begun arbitration proceedings over its investments in two smelters and a tin mine nationalized between 2007 and 2012.
Common Dreams | 16-Aug-2016
A major topic of discussion at the World Social Forum in Montreal was the problems with TTIP-style free trade agreements and how we can stop them, writes Nick Dearden