Ciar Global | 28-Feb-2020
La compañía portuguesa Mota Engil ha notificado al Gobierno paraguayo dos demandas de arbitraje internacional relacionadas con el proyecto Metrobús.
El Comercio | 28-Feb-2020
La Procuraduría General del Estado detalla que de seis arbitrajes en contra de Ecuador por temas de inversiones, cuatro son de firmas norteamericanas.
Radio Canada | 27-Feb-2020
Cosigo Resources réclame 22 milliards de dollars, car elle ne peut pas exploiter de l’or sur un territoire autochtone.
Maurice Actu | 27-Feb-2020
Le CIRDI a rendu une décision favorable à Maurice dans le cadre d’un arbitrage concernant des projets immobiliers et touristiques dans la région du Morne, qui est classé comme patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.
DAWN | 27-Feb-2020
Attorney General Khalid Jawed Khan has said that Pakistan’s foremost effort in the Reko Diq mining case is to secure annulment of the $5.9 billion penalty.
Interfax | 26-Feb-2020
Imperial Tobacco is working on available legal instruments of protection, including an international investment arbitration tribunal, to contest a fine imposed by Ukraine for anticompetitive concerted actions.
Street Insider | 26-Feb-2020
JCDecaux SA, an outdoor advertising, invited the Czech Republic to engage in discussions, as the first step in arbitration proceedings.
EN24 | 26-Feb-2020
For the Kingdom, Carlyle did not justify the existence of investments in Morocco. The American group invokes the Morocco-United States free trade agreement while the contracts with Samir concern entities based in the Cayman Islands.
All Africa | 26-Feb-2020
The case concerns a dispute submitted to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) on the basis of the UK-Mauritius BIT.
Capital | 25-Feb-2020
JCDecaux SA, an outdoor advertising, invited the Czech Republic to engage in discussions, as the first step in arbitration proceedings.