Euractiv | 30-oct-2019
The EU taxpayer is the main loser from the continuation of the Energy Charter Treaty which locks Europe into carbon and energy injustice at a high cost to taxpayers.
Sydney Criminal Lawyers | 30-oct-2019
Interview with AFTINET convenor Dr Patricia Ranald about how the ISDS regime developed, the reasons why these mechanisms are so detrimental, and the impact the TPP-11 agreement could have on Australia.
Trade Action Blog | 30-oct-2019
200 years ago, democracy activists died in Manchester, while peacefully campaigning for the vote. On the bicentennial of the massacre, activists protested against the threat to democracy from the corporate court system.
Ciar Global | 29-oct-2019
Terence Highlands reclama la expropiación ilegal de las inversiones de la empresa Coastline, de la que es dueño, y exige alrededor de 80 millones de dólares.
The Ecologist | 28-oct-2019
We must call for an end to the deregulatory ‘free trade’ and tax policies that make practices like re-importation and redundant trade profitable.
Economía Hoy | 28-oct-2019
Telefónica ha formalizado su demanda en el Ciadi, al igual que ya había hecho América Móvil. Entre ambas compañías reclaman más de 1,200 millones de euros al país.
BusinessLine | 28-oct-2019
The tax department had sought ₹10,247 crore in taxes on alleged capital gains made by the company in the internal reorganisation
El Mañana | 28-oct-2019
Las acciones del Gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto contra Oceanografía podrían costarle alrededor de 300 millones de dólares a la actual Administración.
European Commission | 28-oct-2019
EU Member States committed to terminate their intra-EU bilateral investment treaties in a coordinated manner by means of a plurilateral treaty.