Natural Gas World | 23-may-2018
Ukraine is seeking damages from Russia following the expropriation of assets in the Crimea in 2014.
Defense News | 23-may-2018
The Polish General Counsel has announced that Airbus Helicopters has withdrawn its application for international arbitration over its dispute with Poland.
Le Petit Journal | 22-may-2018
L’avionneur a décidé d’abandonner la procédure d’arbitrage suite au jugement de la Cour de justice de l’UE dans l’affaire Achmea.
No al TTIP | 21-may-2018
Tras los cinco arbitrajes ya resueltos, la balanza se decanta ya en contra de España, que tiene abiertos 40 litigios de este tipo con 7.500 millones en reclamaciones.
Indian Express | 21-may-2018
The tribunal, headed by Sir Franklin Berman, will hear the government’s objection to tax matters being covered under the Netherlands-India Bilateral Investment Treaty.
Turkey Telegraph | 18-may-2018
ICSID imposes a fine of 64.5 million euros for a claim by a fund of the state of Abu Dhabi.
Cinco Días | 17-may-2018
El fondo soberano Masdar, de Abu Dabi, reclamaba 394 millones por el perjuicio a sus inversiones. El laudo condenatorio se suma a los de Novenergia y Eiser Infraestructures.
Common Sense Canadian | 17-may-2018
Canada’s controversial mining sector may be the driving force behind the country’s insistence on protecting foreign investors’ rights over laws that guard its own citizens and environmental values.
Lexology | 16-may-2018
The European Commission’s focus on ISDS has been so intense that far-reaching reform has been portrayed by many as inevitable. The Commission’s proposal is for the development of a multilateral investment court system (MIC).
Reuters | 16-may-2018
US oil company ConocoPhillips has brought new court actions to seize two cargoes of crude and fuel near a terminal operated by PDVSA subsidiary Citgo Petroleum in Aruba.