Client Earth | 6-mar-2018
ISDS is not only an unwelcome tool that allows multinational corporations to put pressure on public interest decision-making, it is also incompatible with EU law.
Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea | 6-mar-2018
Esta cláusula sustrae del mecanismo de control judicial del Derecho de la Unión los litigios que pueden versar sobre la aplicación o la interpretación de este Derecho.
Cour de justice de l’Union européenne | 6-mar-2018
Cette clause soustrait au mécanisme de contrôle juridictionnel du droit de l’Union des litiges pouvant porter sur l’application ou l’interprétation de ce droit.
Court of Justice of the European Union | 6-mar-2018
That clause removes from the mechanism of judicial review of EU law disputes which may relate to the application or interpretation of that law.
Latin America Herald Tribune | 5-mar-2018
US Federal District Court Judge Richard J. Leon has ordered Rusoro’s $1.2 billion ICSID Expropriation award against Venezuela registered in the US.
Webmanagercenter | 5-mar-2018
L’Etat tunisien doit dire officiellement s’il choisit le règlement amiable ou la solution arbitrale par le CIRDI.
No al TTIP | 2-mar-2018
Inversores de Novenergia logran un laudo condenatorio en Estocolmo. El demandadente reclamaba 60 millones y otros 1.900 millones en otro arbitraje.
CNCD 11.11.11 | 2-mar-2018
Les nouvelles balises adoptées ce mercredi au Parlement wallon concernant les accords commerciaux seront-elles déjà piétinées dès ce vendredi ?
Energy Voice | 1ro-mar-2018
The tribunal found that Novenergia’s investments were achieving a reasonable rate of return. However, the tribunal held that it was sufficient for the claim to succeed that Novenergia could show “quantifiable prejudice” compared with its position when it initially made its investment.
Lexology | 1ro-mar-2018
On 26 December 2017, the Commission published its decision that attacked the ECT claims brought by investors against Spain (and other EU states).