Bloomberg | 12-jan-2018
French co. agreed to $275 million to settle 12-year dispute. Engie is the biggest shareholder in water, sewer company.
Milieu Defensie | 12-jan-2018
The French oil company Total evicts people from their land in Uganda to make room for an oil processing facility.
Gus Van Harten (blog) | 11-jan-2018
Observers of the ISDS debate in Europe should be concerned when the official position of an Advocate General before the European Court of Justice can be tied to the ISDS industry.
IISD | 11-jan-2018
Más de 300 expertos, incluyendo a negociadores de alto nivel de acuerdos internacionales de inversión (AIIs) y representantes de organizaciones intergubernamentales, sociedad civil, sector académico y sector privado se reunieron en Ginebra.
RQIC | 11-jan-2018
Deux vidéos pour mieux démontrer et expliquer que l’ALÉNA constitue un obstacle a la poursuite des objectifs de protection de l’environnement et de lutte aux changements climatiques.
Korea Times | 10-jan-2018
Lone Star was embroiled in two lawsuits at that time, and it was found guilty in one of them, he claims.
Reuters | 9-jan-2018
Moldovan businessman Anatolie Stati will ask bailiffs to sell a $5.2 billion stake in the Kashagan oil field owned by a Kazakh sovereign wealth fund if Astana refuses to pay a $500 million arbitration award.
EIN | 9-jan-2018
US investors sue Government of Costa Rica under CAFTA free trade agreement for breach of treaty terms and conditions.
Judicial Power Project | 9-jan-2018
As the turbulence in the global economy and backlash against neoliberalism continues, opposition to the international investment regime and ISDS from the left seems destined to grow.
Korea Times | 9-jan-2018
Lawyers for a Democratic Society sent a letter to the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, demanding a speedy settlement of the dispute between the Korean government and the U.S. buyout fund Lone Star Funds.