CIAR Global | 4-Nov-2020
Cuando parecía que las demandas de arbitraje de inversiones viraban ante un nuevo camino abierto por el Real Decreto impulsado por el Gobierno español sobre la nueva retribución a las explotaciones de energía renovable, la compañía japonesa Mitsui & Co. ha presentado una solicitud de arbitraje ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).
Climate Action Network | 4-Nov-2020
The treaty is incompatible with the EU’s climate commitments and the current modernisation process will not fix this, as the necessary reforms are either opposed by other contracting parties or not being discussed.
Climate Home News | 29-Oct-2020
Brussels’ proposed green reforms to the Energy Charter Treaty face resistance from Japan, yet do not go far enough for environmental campaigners.
Finance Uncovered | 27-Oct-2020
Eni’s threat to drag Nigeria to an international arbitration hearing appears to be a negotiation tactic to reduce the final bill.
EU Observer | 23-Oct-2020
Cross-party MEPs called on the European Commission to be prepared to withdraw from the controversial Energy Charter Treaty, if negotiations for its modernisation fail.
La Información | 22-Oct-2020
El Ministerio de Transición Ecológica espera un goteo de nuevas solicitudes hasta el 18 de diciembre, cuando finaliza el plazo de aceptación de nuevas condiciones.
Drilled | 19-Oct-2020
Expert Marcos Orellana walks us through the shadowy arbitration system, the Chevron case in particular, and what it all means for global climate action.
The Cable | 19-Oct-2020
The Human and Environmental Development Agenda, Re:Common, Global Witness, and Corner House, have called on the Nigerian government to stand against Eni’s legal move over the oil processing license (OPL) 245.
Ecofin | 15-Oct-2020
Suite au refus du Nigeria d’attribuer à nouveau le bloc OPL 245 à Eni, la firme italienne s’est tournée vers le CIRDI afin qu’il mène une procédure d’arbitrage.
Reuters | 14-Oct-2020
Eni plans to argue that the country’s failure to allow it to exploit an oilfield it acquired with Royal Dutch Shell nearly a decade ago breaches their investment agreement.