investor-state disputes | ISDS

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) refers to a way of handling conflicts under international investment agreements whereby companies from one party are allowed to sue the government of another party. This means they can file a complaint and seek compensation for damages. Many BITs and investment chapters of FTAs allow for this if the investor’s expectation of a profit has been negatively affected by some action that the host government took, such as changing a policy. The dispute is normally handled not in a public court but through a private abritration panel. The usual venues where these proceedings take place are the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (World Bank), the International Chamber of Commerce, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law or the International Court of Justice.

ISDS is a hot topic right now because it is being challenged very strongly by concerned citizens in the context of the EU-US TTIP negotiations, the TransPacific Partnership talks and the CETA deal between Canada and the EU.

Business Wire | 4-Oct-2017
An ICSID Arbitral Tribunal ordered Kazakhstan to pay Caratube USD 39.2 million in damages, plus USD 1,207,757.44, and well over 10 million USD in interest.
El Diario | 3-Oct-2017
De perderse todas esas demandas, cargar las indemnizaciones de golpe a los costes del sistema eléctrico supondría una subida de la luz del 20%.
El Cronista | 3-Oct-2017
La Argentina y Japón pusieron fin a las rondas de negociaciones destinadas a rubricar un acuerdo bilateral de inversiones.
No al TTIP | 2-Oct-2017
Junker pidió a los Estados miembros su autorización para empezar a negociar nuevos acuerdos comerciales con diversos países, citando a Australia y Nueva Zelanda, además de seguir negociando con aquellos cuyos procesos están abiertos.
The Express Tribune | 2-Oct-2017
Senior government officials have claimed that the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) overlooked Pakistan’s claim of corruption while deciding in favour of Karkey Karadeniz Elektrik Uretim over a rental power project (RPP) dispute.
International Economic Law and Policy Blog | 29-Sep-2017
Today, a considerable number of claims arise from the commitment to accord fair and equitable treatment (FET) to covered investments.
El Economista | 28-Sep-2017
Pretende quitar el carácter de obligatoriedad a los paneles para dirimir conflictos entre inversionistas y estados del bloque comercial.
Argus | 28-Sep-2017
Mexico is considering writing into law investor-state dispute settlement provisions contained in the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) to reassure US and Canadian investors in its energy sector.
IISD | 27-Sep-2017
Les récentes décennies ont été marquées par l’ascension de la Chine sur le plan économique, militaire et diplomatique et par sa position sans cesse renforcée dans l’ordre international.
IISD | 27-Sep-2017
Recent decades have been marked by China’s economic, military and diplomatic rise, and its increasing integration into the international order.