Stock Market Wire | 14-Apr-2021
Mining group Pathfinder Minerals said a dispute over the ownership of a mining title in Mozambique could see it incur estimated losses of more than $621.3 million.
IISD | 9-Apr-2021
Para muchas personas afectadas por la extracción de recursos, los tratados de inversión pueden proteger emprendimientos que pueden cambiar drásticamente sus vidas con poco margen para expresar sus opiniones u obtener reparación.
IISD | 9-Apr-2021
For many people affected by resource extraction, it is the prevailing legal regime that dis-embeds and disintegrates, because investment treaties can protect ventures that upend their lives with little scope for voice or redress.
The East African | 9-Apr-2021
Indiana argues that expropriation of its nickel project breached the investment agreement signed by Tanzanian, British and the Northern Ireland governments.
IISD | 8-Apr-2021
Pour de nombreuses personnes affectées par l’extraction des ressources, le régime juridique désintègre, car les traités d’investissement peuvent protéger des projets qui bouleversent leur vies, leur laissant peu de chance de se faire entendre.
Mining Watch | 7-Apr-2021
Referring repeatedly to legal threats by Barrick Gold Corp., Prime Minister Papua New Guinea released a statement announcing that his government will be making a deal with the company in regard to the Porgera Joint Venture gold mine.
Mining Weekly | 1-Apr-2021
Rusoro Mining reports that the French Supreme Court has overturned the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal, which had annulled part of the damages portion of the arbitral award previously rendered in favour of the company.
CIAR Global | 26-Mar-2021
Las operaciones que mantiene la minera canadiense Americas Gold and Silver en Cosalá son foco de un conflicto que puede llevarla a arbitraje con el Gobierno de México.
Kenyans | 24-Mar-2021
Kenya is set to receive Ksh300 billion after it won a case against Cortec Mining Kenya Ltd, associated with slain businessman Jacob Juma and Stirling Limited for revoking the mining license of niobium and rare earth minerals.
Proactive | 24-Mar-2021
The company has appointed a leading international law firm to advise the company of its legal options, and in particular, the Australian Bilateral Investment Treaty.