États-Unis d’Amérique
Sidney Morning Herald | 11-avr-2016
US mining company Nucoil is using a free trade agreement to put pressure on the Australian government to pay compensation over cancelled licences.
Politico | 1er-avr-2016
New York-based Dominion Minerals Corporation decided to move ahead with an investor-state dispute case against the Panamanian government.
RECALCA | 30-mar-2016
El caso fue dado a conocer por el sitio Primera Página. ”Se trata de Cosigo, de su filial en Colombia y de Tobie Mining and Energy, que decidieron llevar a Colombia bajo una demanda de arbitraje ante principal órgano jurídico central del sistema de las Naciones Unidas en el ámbito del derecho mercantil internacional (que preside Colombia)”.
Economy Watch | 29-mar-2016
Chinese officials announced that a US-China bilateral investment treaty (BIT) is close to being signed.
Alternautas | 13-mar-2016
The Oxy II awards subvert the notion of sovereignty : by whom and how a country’s natural resources are used becomes a minor question as long as wealth is maximised.
Rabble | 10-mar-2016
More than 2,000 people marched in Lima, Peru in opposition to the government’s plan to privatize public water services.
EU Observer | 1er-mar-2016
Despite all the talk of reform from commissioner Malmstroem, the threat to democratic decision-making is as alive and dangerous as ever.
The Guardian | 29-fév-2016
Negotiators confirm they hope to reach agreement on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership by end of year.
Tele Sur | 16-fév-2016
The secretive TTIP could make it easier than ever for big business to sue governments, according to new research.
Prensa Latina | 11-jan-2016
Ecuador llegó a un acuerdo con la petrolera estadounidense Oxy sobre el pago de una multa por mil 400 millones de dólares impuesta al país suramericano por un tribunal arbitral, anunció hoy el presidente Rafael Correa.