nouvelles des mouvements
CCFD-Terre Solidaire | 9-jan-2020
Des communautés ont combattu des mines d’or toxiques, des forages pétroliers et des projets immobiliers de luxe. Aujourd’hui, de coûteuses poursuites en justice en vertu du règlement de différends entre investisseurs et États (ISDS) risquent d’annuler leurs victoires.
CEO | 9-jan-2020
Inspiring people fought toxic gold mines, dirty oil drilling and greedy luxury real estate projects. Now, costly investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) lawsuits risk to reverse their community victories.
FOEE | 16-déc-2019
An obscure investment agreement, the Energy Charter Treaty, threatens to undermine bold climate action to transform Europe’s energy system.
Collectif Stop Tafta | 9-déc-2019
Plus de 280 organisations de la société civile réclament aux États membres du Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie de mettre fin aux protections dont dispose le secteur des énergies fossiles.
ECT’s Dirty Secrets | 9-déc-2019
We – 278 environmental, climate, consumer, development, and trade related civil society groups, as well as trade unions – believe that the ECT is incompatible with the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
| 4-nov-2019
Civil society and trade union statement to oppose the recent World Bank Court ruling against Tanzania.
Trade Action Blog | 30-oct-2019
200 years ago, democracy activists died in Manchester, while peacefully campaigning for the vote. On the bicentennial of the massacre, activists protested against the threat to democracy from the corporate court system.
Red Carpet Courts | 23-oct-2019
10 historias de cómo los ricos y poderosos secuestraron la justicia.
AFTINET | 21-oct-2019
Organisations representing millions of Australians wrote to Labor MPs last week asking them to implement their policies against harmful proposals including special rights for foreign investors to sue governments for millions over domestic laws.