L’Accord de Partenariat transpacifique global et progressiste (CPTPP ou TPP en abrégé, selon les acronymes anglais) est un accord de commerce et d’investissement qui a été signé le 7 mars 2018 entre 11 pays de la région du Pacifique : Australie, Brunei, Canada, Chili, Japon, Malaisie, Mexique, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pérou, Singapour et Vietnam. Le pacte est entré en vigueur le 30 décembre 2018 parmi les membres qui l’ont ratifié. Les États-Unis s’en sont retirés en janvier 2017.

Le chapitre sur l’investissement comprend des dispositions relatives au règlement des différends entre investisseurs et États (ISDS). Des groupes de la société civile ont fortement critiqué ce mécanisme, car il donne à un investisseur ou à une entreprise étrangère des pouvoirs disproportionnés par rapport aux gouvernements ou aux entreprises nationales. Les investisseurs étrangers peuvent recourir à un système judiciaire parallèle spécialement conçu pour eux afin de contester la santé publique, l’environnement et d’autres "garanties" d’intérêt public, et contourner les tribunaux nationaux.

Photo : Blink O’Fanaye / CC BY-NC 2.0

(mars 2020)

Lexology | 2-avr-2015
The leaked investment chapter of the TPP looks very similar to the 2012 US Model BIT, with a few notable additions and changes to the text.
Scoop | 30-mar-2015
The Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade committee is now accepting public submissions on the NZ-Korea Free Trade Agreement, providing Kiwis with a rare chance to break the silence on the controversial investor-state dispute settlement provisions in that agreement and in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, according to It’s Our Future NZ.
Reuters | 27-mar-2015
Australia’s medicine subsidies, Canadian films and culture, and capital controls in Chile would be carved out from investment protection rules being negotiated in a Pacific trade pact, according to a draft text released by Wikileaks on Wednesday.
WikiLeaks | 26-mar-2015
WikiLeaks annonces its release of the "Investment Chapter" from the secret negotiations of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) agreement.
Australia Broadcasting Corporation | 19-mar-2015
Australia’s primary negotiator on medicines for the US-Australia FTA, Dr Ruth Lopert, warns that the TPP could force the Australian Government to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to subsidise medicines.
Australia Broadcasting Corporation | 4-mar-2015
Washington Post | 26-fév-2015
"Agreeing to ISDS in this enormous new treaty would tilt the playing field in the United States further in favor of big multinational corporations. Worse, it would undermine U.S. sovereignty," writes Elizabeth Warren.
Counter Punch | 18-fév-2015
The corporate media would prefer that people know nothing about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and other trade deals.
Scoop | 13-fév-2015
This week’s edition of world-leading medical journal The Lancet includes a call by 27 health experts from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, the USA, and Vietnam for the TPPA to be made public so its overall health impacts can be assessed.
Huffington Post | 19-déc-2014
US Senator Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday warned that a major trade deal being negotiated by the Obama administration could hamstring Wall Street reform efforts.