ALAI | 27-jui-2016
No es el tamaño del acuerdo ni su concentración lo que sorprende, sino la forma en la que se han llevado a cabo las negociaciones y los alcances que podría tener. En general si hay algo que esconder es una mala señal en los tiempos de la transparencia.
Viet Nam News | 21-jui-2016
The Vietnamese Government should bar certain industries from exploiting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) lest they damage public health, health activists warned.
South Centre | 29-jui-2016
A growing international community of policy makers and analysts that recognizes that major reforms in the investment treaty regime are needed.
Kaos en la Red | 28-jui-2016
El próximo 1 de Julio, el gobierno de Mauricio Macri participará como “país observador” de la Alianza del Pacífico.
Sidney Morning Herald | 27-jui-2016
Australian governments of late seem only to listen to the din of money as though that equates with national interest.
Mapuexpress | 18-jui-2016
El Acuerdo Transpacífico o TPP representa un sofisticado instrumento jurídico orientado a maximizar los beneficios de empresas transnacionales que operen en los países adheridos a él.
CCPA | 15-jui-2016
This study examines the special privileges, enforced through investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), which would be given to foreign investors under the TPP.
Le Devoir | 7-jui-2016
Les négociateurs canadiens ont donné de grands avantages aux multinationales du Web, ce qui risque d’avoir des conséquences fâcheuses sur notre production et de limiter la diversité culturelle.
Reuters | 6-jui-2016
More than 450 groups on Monday called on Congress to reject the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) if it comes up for a vote this fall, saying the trade deal would allow fossil fuel companies to contest U.S. environmental rules in extrajudicial tribunals.
Common Dreams | 30-mai-2016
Emails obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show U.S. Trade Rep. Michael Froman discussing TPP with Goldman Sachs lobbyists