South Centre | 29-Mar-2019
Reform of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is being deliberated at the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group III, which will be meeting in New York between the 1st and 5th of April 2019.
Lexology | 29-Mar-2019
On 26 March 2019, Australia and Hong Kong signed the Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement and its associated investment agreement.
The Mazatlán Post | 28-Mar-2019
The US company notified its intention to claim compensation of 3,540 million dollars from the Mexican government.
Open Democracy | 28-Mar-2019
The infamous story of the environmental pollution of the Ecuadorian Amazon by Chevron-Texaco – which has come to be known as the "Ecuadorian Chernobyl" - is entering a new phase.
Rabble | 27-Mar-2019
While Eco Oro claims to have invested US$250 million in the project, it is seeking US$764 million as compensation for the cancellation of the project.
The Conversation | 27-Mar-2019
Philip Morris, a US company, moved ownership of its Australian operations to Hong Kong to take advantage of ISDS in an Australia-Hong Kong investment treaty.
AFTINET | 27-Mar-2019
The Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement and separate Investment Agreement signed still give special rights to foreign investors to bypass national courts and sue governments for millions of dollars in international tribunals
MENAFN | 26-Mar-2019
British Petroceltic announced filing an arbitration case against the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) at the World Bank Group’s ICSID.
Scoop | 25-Mar-2019
Australia’s costs for tobacco case it won show why NZ must get rid of ISDS now.
The Citizen | 25-Mar-2019
The preferential protection of bilateral investments between Tanzania and the Netherlands is likely to cease next month but the protection for investments made before the date of termination continues to apply for a period of 15 years (until 1 April 2034).

ISDS Case Map