Contra Réplica | 13-Sep-2019
Por Daniela Gómez Altamirano | 11-9-19 Arbitraje de Inversión Países desarrollados como en desarrollo se han dado cuenta de que la inversión extranjera directa puede ser fundamental para fomentar el aumento de la productividad, apoyar la diversificación de las exportaciones y facilitar la transferencia de tecnología. Sin embargo, dichos beneficios no deben considerarse automáticos o inherentes a la inversión. Una política de inversión coherente y bien concebida es esencial para que los (...)
Energy Voice | 12-Sep-2019
The European Commission is taking steps to reduce the prospect of future claims by demanding the reform of the Energy Charter Treaty.
Mondaq | 12-Sep-2019
The traditional mechanism of investment arbitration between the investor and the host State has been under attack for some time now from a range of actors and for a variety of reasons.
Medias24 | 12-Sep-2019
Le Maroc face aux investisseurs étrangers : Batailles à Washington.
Outlook India | 10-Sep-2019
UK’s Cairn Energy on Tuesday said the arbitration process against India on imposition of retrospective tax demand is likely to be protracted and a decision is not expected before late 2019.
Business Recorder | 10-Sep-2019
Pakistan government is going to challenge the verdicts of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), said Minister for Power Division.
Global Legal Chronicle | 6-Sep-2019
Squire Patton Boggs has successfully defended the Republic of Estonia against a US$100 million investment treaty claim brought by Estonian water provider AS Tallinna Vesi and its Dutch shareholder United Utilities.
Kapitalis | 6-Sep-2019
Le fonds d’investissement ABCI Investment, basé aux Pays-Bas, a fait effectuer une saisie sur un avoir de l’Etat tunisien, à savoir TF Bank, l’établissement bancaire tunisien basé à Paris, en France.
El Confidencial | 5-Sep-2019
El Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversores (Ciadi) ha dictado un nuevo laudo contra España. Los inversores ingleses reclamaban 92 millones de euros.
Euractiv | 4-Sep-2019
Critics say the Energy Charter provides excessive legal protection for oil and gas companies, which can claim uncapped reparations from governments who frustrate investments in fossil fuel projects.