El Universo | 13-Jan-2016
Ecuador alcanzó un acuerdo de pago con la empresa petrolera estadounidense Occidental (Oxy), anunció ayer (9-1) el presidente Rafael Correa, en el enlace sabatino 458, transmitido desde Malchinguí, Pichincha.
El Universo | 13-Jan-2016
President Rafael Correa announced that Ecuador has reached a payment plan with the US oil company, Occidental (Oxy)
SSRN | 13-Jan-2016
The beneficiaries of ISDS have overwhelmingly been companies with more than USD1 billion in annual revenue and individuals with more than USD100 million in net wealth.
Seeking Alpha | 12-Jan-2016
Ecuador paid $100M on Dec. 21; will pay another $100M on Jan. 15; $100M on Jan. 31; $200M on Feb. 29; $300M on March 31; and the remainder on April 29.
Prensa Latina | 11-Jan-2016
Ecuador llegó a un acuerdo con la petrolera estadounidense Oxy sobre el pago de una multa por mil 400 millones de dólares impuesta al país suramericano por un tribunal arbitral, anunció hoy el presidente Rafael Correa.
Bloomberg | 11-Jan-2016
Karuturi Global Ltd., one of the largest investors in Ethiopia’s farm industry, is challenging the termination of its project, claiming the government broke the terms of its agreement with the company.
The Malaysian Insider | 11-Jan-2016
The Malaysian government could be sued by foreign corporations if it intervened in their business activities under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
Huffington Post | 11-Jan-2016
Canadian company TransCanada’s announcement that it will sue the American people for $15 billion perfectly illustrates how today’s corporate-empowering trade policies threaten the way democracy is supposed to work.
eNews Park Forest | 8-Jan-2016
‘The idea that some trade agreement should force us to overheat the planet’s atmosphere is, quite simply, insane.’
Eurasia Review | 8-Jan-2016
Venezuela doesn’t want investment treaties anymore if they give investors the right to drag the country before a commercial court. “The system has been set up to break down the nation-state.”