Lexology | 15-Mar-2019
According to the Svea Court of Appeal, Achmea does not preclude states and investors within the European Union from entering into an arbitration agreement regarding a specific dispute.
TASS | 15-Mar-2019
A Berlin court has ordered former shareholders of Hally’s Parsons Green, linked to now defunct oil company Yukos, to compensate Russia its legal costs to the tune of 188,000 euros.
Bloomberg | 15-Mar-2019
Venezuela’s opposition leader and self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido plans to appeal a $8.75 billion award issued to ConocoPhillips by the World Bank’s arbitration tribunal last week.
The Wire | 15-Mar-2019
Free trade agreements like the RCEP will infringe on India’s intellectual property laws. India must stand its ground in the interest of public health.
Renewables Now | 15-Mar-2019
The ICSID ruled against Spain in a case brought by NextEra Energy Inc regarding the US utility’s lost investments in two 49.9-MW concentrated solar power plants.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 14-Mar-2019
The ongoing Rockhopper case may become a benchmark for future cases on the horizon, following Italy’s decision to crack down on hydrocarbon explorations and extractions.
L’Usine Santé | 14-Mar-2019
Ces dernières années marquent l’intérêt grandissant des sociétés pharmaceutiques internationales pour l’arbitrage à l’encontre d’États.
RT | 12-Mar-2019
Las autoridades venezolanas deben pagar un total de 8.140 millones de dólares a la compañía a una tasa de interés anual del 5,5 % por la incautación de activos de petróleo y gas de la compañía en 2007.
CIAR Global | 12-Mar-2019
Una filial panameña de la italiana Enel Green Power, Enel Fortuna ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje de inversiones contra Panamá ante el Ciadi.
South Centre | 12-Mar-2019
Developing countries’ negotiators and experts discussed the way forward during the 12th Annual Forum of Developing Country Investment Negotiators held in Cartagena, Colombia on 27 February-1 March 2019.