GRAIN | 17-Oct-2022
Hemos producido un relato/estudio detallado del TLCAN y su eterna ola de tratados y acuerdos, sus efectos y las herramientas que nos permitan analizar y resistir los impactos de los TLC.
GRAIN | 17-Oct-2022
We have produced a detailed study/story of NAFTA, with its eternal wake of treatises and agreements, its effects, and the tools to analyse and organise resistance against the impacts of FTAs.
CIEL | 14-Oct-2022
Extending protection under the Energy Charter Treaty to investments in carbon capture, utilization and storage, hydrogen, and ammonia, among other emerging energy technologies and products, could hamper the ability of States to end reliance on fossil fuels.
Attac France | 12-Oct-2022
Accentuons la pression pour que le gouvernement français prenne position pour sortir de ce Traité nocif, qui protège les pollueurs !
América Latina Mejor Sin TLC | 5-Oct-2022
“Los impactos que tendrá el TPP-11 deben ser analizados de modo integral, no por capítulos”, afirma Luciana Ghiotto y explica que “no hay modo que el tratado colabore en la construcción de un modelo de desarrollo diferente para Chile”.
América Latina Mejor Sin TLC | 4-Oct-2022
The impacts that TPP-11 will have then must be analyzed in an integral way, not by chapters. For years now, from various academic and social sectors, we have been explaining that agreements such as the TPP-11 are negative in their entirety.
TNI | 3-Oct-2022
This report sheds light on Nigeria’s investment protection regime and its consequences for one of Africa’s biggest countries.
Foodwatch | 30-Sep-2022
The trade agreement disempowers the European Parliament and strengthens the influence of corporations.
CIEL | 23-Sep-2022
What recent case law and treaty reforms may mean for the future of investment arbitration in the energy sector.
Open Democracy | 23-Sep-2022
Australia deal and Energy Charter Treaty show why we must be able to hold government accountable for trade.

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