
13 myths about investor-state arbitration

By US Chamber of Commerce (2015)

“Arbitrators in ISDS disputes have no power to overturn laws or regulations. On the contrary, they are charged with upholding the same kind of rule of law protections that appear in the U.S. Constitution.”

A Call for Resistance!

By KMU gegen TTIP (SMEs against TTIP) (2015)

“Known parts of the agreement such as investor protection (ISDS), a further opening of public procurement (in particular also of local governments), and the equalization of environmental and social legislation achieved through hard struggles, suggest further advantages for large corporations and serious detriments for SMEs.”

“A resounding no” to investment protection for CETA and TTIP

By Mario Ohoven, President of the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (BVMW) (2014)

“In both the USA and Europe, no one could seriously claim that the rule of law does not apply. Any investor or company, be they a small or medium-sized business or a major conglomerate is free to invoke the law courts on both sides of the Atlantic. However, with an average cost of eight million USD, litigation is not really an option for small and medium-sized businesses as they run a serious risk of going bankrupt in the process.”

Investor-state dispute settlement – a necessary mechanism to ensure investment protection

By Business Europe (2014)

“ISDS is a vital part of investment protection. It provides for a neutral, fact-based mechanism of dispute resolution in cases of breaches of investment agreements. […] Contrary to what is often claimed, ISDS does not limit the policy space of States, including in the area of public goods and services.”