Financial stability

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is one of the greatest threats to the re-regulation of finance. ISDS empowers the very firms that financial regulation seeks to govern. These firms can bypass host country domestic courts and directly challenge domestic policies in a parallel system of justice.

Financial and non-financial firms have increasingly used ISDS provisions in trade agreements to challenge financial regulations and emergency financial stability measures.

Most well-known cases include:

• Investors vs. Argentina: When the country froze its utility rates and devaluated its currency in response to its 2001-2002 financial crisis, it was hit by over 40 lawsuits from investors, including Suez, Vivendi (France) and Anglian Water (UK). By January 2014, Argentina had been ordered to pay a total of US$980 million (various BITs invoked).

• Poštová Banka (Slovakia) & Istrokapital (Cyprus) vs. Greece: the Slovak bank and its Cypriot investor sued Greece on account of the restructuring of the country’s sovereign debt, after having bought Greek government bonds at a knockdown value. The investors lost the case. (Greece-Slovakia & Cyprus-Greece BITs invoked).

• Saluka (Netherlands) vs. Czech Republic: the Dutch investment corporation filed an ISDS dispute against the Czech government for not bailing out a private bank, in which the company had a stake, in the same way that the government bailed out banks in which the government had a major stake. The bailouts came in response to a widespread bank debt crisis. The investor was awarded US$236 million (Czech Republic-Netherlands BIT invoked).

Photo: Maalokki / CC BY 2.0

(March 2020)

Business News | 21-Jan-2025
L’entreprise italienne La Minerali Industriali Srl, spécialisée dans l’extraction de sable, se dirige vers l’arbitrage international contre l’État tunisien.
CDR | 14-Jan-2025
The global beer brewing giant has filed an ICSID challenge to the Peruvian tax authority’s attempts to recover an outstanding tax bill and its refusal to allow refunds.
CDR | 9-Jan-2025
Minerali Industriali is taking action under the Italy-Tunisia bilateral investment treaty for alleged mistreatment related to its sand mining and processing business.
Dhaka Tribune | 2-Jan-2025
Mohammed Saiful Alam, founding chairman and managing director of the Bangladeshi industrial conglomerate S Alam Group, has initiated legal proceedings as a Singaporean citizen to seek compensation for alleged financial losses.
Nawaat | 2-Jan-2025
L’affaire de la Banque franco-tunisienne connaît un énième rebondissement opposant son actionnaire majoritaire, la société ABCI Investments Limited, à l’Etat tunisien, qui la lui a confisquée.
Kapitalis | 25-Nov-2024
L’affaire qui oppose, depuis le milieu des années 1980, ABCI, le fonds d’investissement néerlandais, à l’Etat tunisien a finalement connu une issue moins douloureuse pour les contribuables tunisiens que beaucoup d’observateurs le craignaient. | 14-Oct-2024
France’s highest court has brought an end to the $1.4 billion legal battle over the resolution of FBME Bank, ruling that the Central Bank of Cyprus acted prudently and did not breach any obligations under a bilateral investment treaty between Cyprus and Lebanon.
The Shift | 2-Oct-2024
The case filed by former Pilatus Bank Chair Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad against Malta in an international tribunal, disputing the decision to close the bank, is moving forward.
The Korea Herald | 12-Jul-2024
South Korea has filed an appeal against a ruling by a Hague-based arbitration court ordering it to pay $32 million to a US hedge fund to compensate for its intervention in the merger of two Samsung affiliates in 2015.
Romania-Insider | 27-May-2024
Eurohold Bulgaria AD and Euroins Insurance Group AD said they have officially filed a request for arbitration against the government of Romania at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes in Washington, DC.