L’entreprise italienne La Minerali Industriali Srl, spécialisée dans l’extraction de sable, se dirige vers l’arbitrage international contre l’État tunisien.
The envisaged provisional application of the modernised ECT will allow a “coalition of willing” States to apply the modernised ECT as of 3 September 2025.
The new interpretative note on the investment chapter of the FTA seeks to avoid legal abuses and protect the sovereignty of both countries without affecting incentives for foreign investment.
A bipartisan group of US senators called on US Trade Representative to stop negotiations with Mexico, Canada and Colombia that they say would weaken investor protections in some US free trade deals during the Biden administration’s final days.
La compañía suiza Maritime Archaelogy Consultants Switzerland AG ha presentado un arbitraje de inversiones contra Colombia relacionado con el rescate del tesoro del Galeón San José.
This explainer sheds light on how Clive Palmer is using Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions in trade agreements to claim up to $420 billion from the Australian government.