No al TTIP | 13-Jun-2017
El Acuerdo Económico y Comercial Global de la Unión Europea con Canadá, más conocido como CETA, se nos ha presentado como un pacto entre países amigos para facilitar el libre comercio y las inversiones, pero esconde perversas intenciones entre sus mil seiscientas páginas de texto.
RTBF | 6-Jun-2017
Le conseil des ministres belge a approuvé l’avant-projet de loi portant assentiment à l’accord économique et commercial global entre l’Union européenne et le Canada. Le texte devra recevoir le feu vert de la Chambre.
Global Trade Mag | 30-May-2017
One of the most overlooked aspects of NAFTA is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement.
European Law Blog | 22-May-2017
The Court’s Opinion has consequences for future EU trade deals such as CETA and potentially a future UK-EU FTA.
Mondaq | 5-May-2017
A federal district court in Washington, D.C. recently confirmed a $1.2 billion arbitral award in favor of Crystallex International Corp
IP Watch | 28-Apr-2017
Although Canada won in a unanimous decision, the ruling does not, however, guarantee domestic discretion going forward, contrary to the suggestion of some.
The Hindu | 27-Apr-2017
Enormous political pressure to get the bilateral, economic treaties off the ground, say officials.
Financial Post | 24-Apr-2017
Canadian miner Gran Colombia Gold has filed a US$700 million lawsuit against Colombia under the Colombian-Canadian free trade agreement after the government ordered the company to cease operations at the El Burro site in Marmato.
The Whig | 14-Apr-2017
The Ontario government says it has paid a $28-million award that a NAFTA tribunal ruled was owed to a wind power company over a provincial offshore wind moratorium.
Manila Times | 30-Mar-2017
A giant Australian-Canadian gold mining group, OceanaGold, has been ordered to pay interest on $8 million in legal costs awarded to El Salvador over a lawsuit it lost.