La Presse | 19-jan-2017
La future administration américaine veut discuter des règles d’origine et revoir le mécanisme de règlement des litiges.
No al TTIP | 17-jan-2017
La campaña No al TTIP convoca movilizaciones en más de 20 ciudades para frenar al CETA
Desmog | 14-jan-2017
EU lawmakers voted for the European Parliament to push ahead with a trade deal that could encourage Canadian tar sand oil imports and make it easier for energy companies to sue governments when environmental policies threaten their profits.
Miroir Social | 12-jan-2017
Si la Cour de justice de l’Union Européenne (UE) suit les conclusions de son avocate générale, les accords de libre-échange pourraient bien devoir être ratifiés par les Parlements de tous les États membres.
Reuters | 7-jan-2017
Romania has asked the United Nations to make a Transylvanian village boasting 18th century houses and intact Roman mining shafts into a World Heritage site in move that could protect it from a gold mine project.
ISDS Blog | 4-jan-2017
Windstream is an American company, which invested in one of the world’s largest offshore wind power parks, to be located in Lake Ontario.
Bloomberg | 15-déc-2016
The European Union and Canada will launch a proposal for a new global investment court system for settlements of disputes between states and foreign investors over discriminatory treatment.
El Boletín | 14-déc-2016
Ambas instituciones quieren convertir esos tribunales en un verdadero órgano internacional.
Investing News Network | 12-déc-2016
The claim relates to Eco Oro’s dispute with Colombia in relation to State measures that have destroyed the value of its investments in the Colombian mining sector.
Tercera Información | 3-déc-2016
El Parlamento Europeo ha rechazado una resolución para someter el polémico Sistema Judicial de Inversiones incluído en el acuerdo comercial entre la UE y Canadá, el CETA, al escrutinio del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJCE).