The Conversation | 23-May-2023
US$20 billion: That’s how much American investors think Canadian taxpayers should fork over to compensate them for their failed bid to develop a liquefied natural gas facility in Québec.
Reuters | 9-May-2023
The European Union is considering a proposal to quit an international energy treaty that has become mired in climate change concerns, but leave an option for individual countries to stay in an updated version of the accord, a document showed.
Euractiv | 14-Apr-2023
Denmark will withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty as it creates more uncertainties about investments than certainties, the Danish government announced.
The Ecologist | 12-Apr-2023
UK accession to Pacific trade deal empowers fossil fuel firms to sue governments.
The Monitor | 7-Apr-2023
Canada should join Australia and New Zealand in neutralizing lopsided corporate protections in CPTPP.
Le Devoir | 20-Mar-2023
Le promoteur de GNL Québec conteste le rejet du projet, survenu l’an dernier, réclamant au gouvernement canadien des milliards de dollars en compensation et en dommages et intérêts.
Foreign Policy in Focus | 16-Mar-2023
Corporations are using trade and investment treaties to handcuff global and national efforts to save the planet. Resistance to the corporate-friendly trade architecture has come from many corners of the globe.
Open Democracy | 10-Mar-2023
We can’t be held hostage by a 1990s treaty that allows fossil fuel firms to sue governments.
RTBF | 21-Feb-2023
La Région bruxelloise, par la voix de son ministre de la transition climatique, Alain Maron, appelle la Belgique au retrait coordonné européen "le plus rapide possible de ce Traité anachronique de protection des investissements dans les énergies fossiles".
CNCD 11.11.11 | 15-Feb-2023
L’Union européenne et ses Etats membres vont se retirer du Traité sur la charte de l’énergie. La Commission européenne reconnaît aujourd’hui qu’une sortie coordonnée est inévitable.