investor-state disputes | ISDS

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) refers to a way of handling conflicts under international investment agreements whereby companies from one party are allowed to sue the government of another party. This means they can file a complaint and seek compensation for damages. Many BITs and investment chapters of FTAs allow for this if the investor’s expectation of a profit has been negatively affected by some action that the host government took, such as changing a policy. The dispute is normally handled not in a public court but through a private abritration panel. The usual venues where these proceedings take place are the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (World Bank), the International Chamber of Commerce, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law or the International Court of Justice.

ISDS is a hot topic right now because it is being challenged very strongly by concerned citizens in the context of the EU-US TTIP negotiations, the TransPacific Partnership talks and the CETA deal between Canada and the EU.

El Intransigente | 19-Apr-2017
Es tras la decisión de la empresa demandante de retirar la denuncia que había realizado en el 2003, por u$s 960 millones
Reuters México | 19-Apr-2017
El Salvador congeló bienes y cuentas bancarias de la minera australiana-canadiense OceanaGold ante su negativa de cancelar al país centroamericano ocho millones de dólares por los gastos procesales que incurrió durante un litigio en un tribunal internacional, informó el martes la Fiscalía General.
Economic Times | 19-Apr-2017
Free trade agreements tend to treat intellectual property as an investment made by investor corporations, allowing private investment disputes to be raised against the host country.
Reuters | 19-Apr-2017
El Salvador froze bank accounts and assets belonging to OceanaGold Corp after the mining company refused to pay the country $8 million as mandated by an international court.
El Mundo | 18-Apr-2017
Transnacionales petroleras buscan ahogar a la estatal por medio de varias acciones.
AITEC | 18-Apr-2017
L’objectif de ces nouvelles négociations est d’amener l’instrument commercial liant l’UE et le Mexique au niveau des accords commerciaux comme le CETA, référence désormais brandie par la Commission européenne pour l’ensemble de ses négociations futures.
Le Figaro | 14-Apr-2017
Veolia et la ville de Vilnius (Lituanie) se poursuivent devant des tribunaux d’arbitrage internationaux.
CIGI | 14-Apr-2017
A clean break is needed to restore trust, but these stiff tests must be met.
The Whig | 14-Apr-2017
The Ontario government says it has paid a $28-million award that a NAFTA tribunal ruled was owed to a wind power company over a provincial offshore wind moratorium.
CIAR Global | 14-Apr-2017
El grupo empresarial español Lidercón ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje ante el Ciadi, contra Perú invocando el Tratado Bilateral de Inversiones España-Perú de 1994 por un conflicto relacionado con un contrato por la inspección técnica de vehículos en Lima y Callao.