Radio Canada | 16-Oct-2017
Les États-Unis ont réclamé un affaiblissement important des mécanismes de règlement des différends prévus à l’Accord de libre-échange de l’Amérique du Nord (ALENA).
APWLD | 14-Oct-2017
RCEP will give multinational corporations unprecedented rights
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 13-Oct-2017
This first part begins with a review of the law governing entering and denouncing the ICSID Convention, as well as of an important debate on the effects of withdrawing from it.
Fundación Presidente Allende | 13-Oct-2017
Victims of human rights abuses by the Pinochet dictatorship have requested a committee of the World Bank’s International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) to annul an arbitral award.
No al TTIP | 12-Oct-2017
La ISDS ejerce presión sobre los gobiernos para que veten propuestas regulatorias por su impacto en los inversores extranjeros, especialmente en aquellas burocracias reacias a los riesgos.
EurActiv | 12-Oct-2017
The European Commission’s plans for a Multilateral Investment Court sanctions a biased and ineffective arbitration system, leaving people and the environment exposed to international investors’ whims.
The Reporter | 11-Oct-2017
Karuturi could sue the government of Ethiopia at international tribunals on the basis of violations of the Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement India and Ethiopia have signed on.
TVC | 11-Oct-2017
The Economic Community of West African States has called for the creation of a Regional Arbitration Forum as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism to boost its economic potentials.
Sun Daily | 11-Oct-2017
A group of major shareholders in dismantled Russian oil giant Yukos announced they were giving up their efforts to seize lucrative state assets as compensation in France following a series of legal setbacks.
IELP Blog | 11-Oct-2017
US ISDS proposal in NAFTA would cut fair and equitable treatment and indirect expropriation.