People Over Profit | 5-May-2017
The People Over Profit network together with local civil society organizations in the Philippines warn of intensifying corporate attacks on people’s rights and join calls for an independent, sovereign and peaceful Southeast Asian region.
L’Orient le Jour | 5-May-2017
L’Equateur a mis fin mercredi à des traités bilatéraux d’investissement avec douze pays, dont les Etats-Unis et la Chine, alors que le petit pays sud-américain a dû verser de lourdes amendes dans le cadre d’arbitrages internationaux.
TNI | 4-May-2017
El informe se publicará cinco días después de que la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador recomendó al gobierno que pusiera fin a 12 Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión.
AFTINET | 3-May-2017
ISDS is increasingly being used by global corporations to challenge health, environment and other public interest laws.
Al-Ahram | 2-May-2017
Les pays africains envisagent la création d’une cour arbitrale africaine pour le règlement des litiges relatifs aux investissements. Cette solution parmi d’autres permettra d’assurer un meilleur équilibre entre la protection des investisseurs et la préservation des intérêts nationaux.
Sydney Morning Herald | 2-May-2017
US mining company Nucoil is using a free trade agreement to put pressure on the Australian government to pay compensation over cancelled licences.
European Commission | 2-May-2017
Negotiators discussed the EU’s reformed approach to investment protection and investment dispute resolution.
Latin American Herald Tribune | 2-May-2017
Although the original UNCITRAL panel that heard the case allowed jurisdiction, the French Court of Appeals that heard Venezuela’s appeal annulled parts of that jurisdiction decision.
El Colombiano | 29-Apr-2017
Ante la noticia que viene circulando, y que seguramente terminará por darse a la realidad, sobre la demanda que interpondrá Gas Naturales Fenosa por valor de 3,6 billones de pesos en contra del gobierno colombiano ante el Ciadi del Banco Mundial, solo tengo una cosa por decir ¡Qué absurdo!
IP Watch | 28-Apr-2017
Although Canada won in a unanimous decision, the ruling does not, however, guarantee domestic discretion going forward, contrary to the suggestion of some.