Wind Power | 25-abr-2018
The Invenergy group has submitted a notice of arbitration against Poland citing violations of Invenergy’s rights as a foreign investor and clear breaches of Poland’s obligations under the United States-Poland bilateral investment treaty.
Revista Pueblos | 24-abr-2018
Uno de los principales elementos de la modernización del TLC UE-México pasa por incorporar al texto un polémico capítulo relativo a la protección de las inversiones, que tendría las mismas características que el que se incluyó recientemente en el CETA.
Venezuelanalysis | 24-abr-2018
US multinational Kimberly-Clark has filed a formal request to take Venezuela to court regarding the expropriation of its abandoned factory by the government of Nicolas Maduro in July 2016.
Transport & Environment | 24-abr-2018
The EU should not negotiate on its multilateral investment court project until the Court of Justice of the European Union has established the compatibility of the investment court agreed in CETA.
Daily Nation | 24-abr-2018
The government risks losing up to Sh500 billion in an international arbitration case against mining firm, Cortec, after it failed to provide Sh100 million in the second mini-budget to pay a UK-based law firm representing it in the case.
El Economista | 24-abr-2018
Uno de los principales cambios en el acuerdo comercial es que se remplaza el arbitraje de diferencias Estado-inversor con el nuevo Sistema de Juicios de Inversión, esto para asegurar la transparencia.
AFTINET | 23-abr-2018
Colombia’s decision to ban mining activities in the Páramos, a range of environmentally sensitive wetlands that provide approximately 70% of the country’s water supply, has so far led to three treaty-based arbitration cases.
AFTINET | 23-abr-2018
Research shows that mining and energy industries are the most frequent users of Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanisms.
The Gleaner | 20-abr-2018
A Jamaican investor served the government of the Dominican Republic with a notice of arbitration surrounding the state takeover of a recycling facility and waste-to-energy plant.
Reuters | 20-abr-2018
Investors holding billions of dollars in defaulted Venezuelan bonds have formed at least one bondholder committee, which could signal an eventual legal dispute similar to the dispute with Argentina after it defaulted on its sovereign debt in early 2002.