Briefers on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) vs Women’s Human Rights
Photo by APWLD from

APWLD - 23 February 2022

Briefers on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) vs Women’s Human Rights in 7 Languages

ISDS is fundamentally in violation of the principles of human rights, justice, equality, accountability and peoples’ sovereignty. It is an illegitimate protection mechanism the colonial power enjoyed for way too long at the cost of the life and wellbeing of people and the planet, especially in the global south.

APWLD is launching new Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) vs Women’s Human Rights briefers in seven languages developed by Women Interrogating Trade and Corporate Hegemony (WITCH) program.

You can download the briefers in different languages by clicking on the links below:

English, Russian, Urdu, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, Korean, Tamil

source: APWLD