Reuters | 27-Mar-2017
A U.S. court has upheld an award by a World Bank Tribunal that orders Venezuela to pay more than $1 billion to Canadian mining company Crystallex, paving the way for the firm to seize assets for the 2008 expropriation of the Las Cristinas gold project.
RTBF | 27-Mar-2017
L’utilisation d’une juridiction externe, parallèle aux instances judiciaires des Etats membres contre toute mesure que l’investisseur étranger considère contraire aux droits conférés par le CETA, met en cause la primauté du droit européen.
Lexology | 27-Mar-2017
The Tribunal found that Eli Lilly had failed to demonstrate that the promise doctrine constitutes a fundamental or dramatic change in the utility requirement under Canadian patent law or that the promise doctrine is arbitrary and/or discriminatory.
Reuters | 24-Mar-2017
Transcanada Corp’s legal challenge against the United States over its past rejection of Keystone XL pipeline has been dropped.
IISD | 22-Mar-2017
A tribunal under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) dismissed all claims by Canadian businessman Peter A. Allard against Barbados.
Tech Dirt | 22-Mar-2017
Just the fact that the Canadian government had to go through this massive and expensive process for many years just for rejecting two bad patents should show why ISDS provisions are such a problem.
No al TTIP | 21-Mar-2017
Según el periódico Público, el tratado comercial entre la Unión Europea (UE) y Canadá llegará pronto a las Cortes Generales.
Politico | 20-Mar-2017
Canada has prevailed over pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly in a long-running investor-state dispute the drug company filed under NAFTA’s investment chapter.
Alternatives Economiques | 15-Mar-2017
Le petit livre précis, informé et critique de la journaliste Haley Sweetland Edwards vient à point nommé pour expliquer les enjeux de la contestation contre les tribunaux d’arbitrage.
SAT PR | 10-Mar-2017
The Kyrgyz Republic has notified Stans that it filed a claim with the High Court of Justice to set aside the jurisdictional award rendered by the UNCITRAL Tribunal in favor of Stans.