RT | 26-Sep-2015
Campaigners gathered outside a secret court in central London on Friday to protest against a controversial EU-Canada trade deal that will empower corporations to sue the British government.
TTIP2015 Blog | 23-Sep-2015
Examining the key points under the new ‘International Court System’ in TTIP
FFII | 22-Sep-2015
The European Commission has published its investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) reform proposal for the EU-US trade agreement under negotiation (TTIP), which institutionalises discrimination.
Le Devoir | 18-Sep-2015
Le mécanisme de règlement des différends indispose une majorité de citoyens
RT | 17-Sep-2015
Visant à rendre l’ISDS acceptable, les modifications de forme proposées menacent d’étendre considérablement le champ de cette justice aux services des multinationales
Collectif Stop TAFTA | 17-Sep-2015
Visant à rendre l’ISDS acceptable, les modifications de forme proposées menacent d’étendre considérablement le champ de cette justice aux services des multinationales
Euractiv | 16-Sep-2015
According to EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström, "no direct relationship" can be seen between the controversial arbitration tribunals in the draft EU-US trade agreement and increased investment, adding fuel to its critics’ fires.
Euractiv | 8-Sep-2015
The European Commission will not ask EU judges to decide on the legality of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in free trade agreements.
Tech Dirt | 4-Sep-2015
The excitement over the mad dash to finish TPP — and the failure to do so — has rather obscured the other so-called trade deals currently being negotiated, such as TAFTA/TTIP and the one between the EU and Canada, CETA.
Mediapart | 9-Jul-2015
Après cinq mois de débats agités, les eurodéputés ont donné leur feu vert, mercredi, à la poursuite des négociations commerciales avec Washington. Le compromis trouvé sur le principe très contesté de l’arbitrage entre État et multinationales est ambigu.