European Commission | 18-Dec-2024
The European Commission decided to refer the United Kingdom to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to terminate the Bilateral Investment Treaties that it still has in force with Bulgaria, Czechia, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia.
Euractiv | 18-Dec-2024
The Energy Charter Treaty allow fossil fuel investors to sue EU member states before international arbitral tribunals to challenge climate mitigation measures. This legal mechanism is increasingly weaponized by the industry.
Land and Climate Review | 12-Dec-2024
Experts talk about investor-state dispute settlements, which allow fossil fuel companies to bring multi-billion dollar lawsuits against countries that pass green policies.
The Hindu BusinessLine | 4-Dec-2024
The proposed India-EU Free Trade Agreement is likely to focus on investment liberalisation, while keeping investment protection and arbitration out of the pact, to be negotiated separately in a bilateral investment treaty.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 3-Dec-2024
Even after modernisation, the ECT continues to undermine European and global climate policies.
Más Colombia | 26-Nov-2024
El presidente Petro habló de la revisión del TLC con la Unión Europea, pero sobre un tema que no está en el tratado y después de años de haber anunciado la renegociación.
Prensa Latina | 25-Nov-2024
Colombia’s President said that Colombia will try to renegotiate the Free Trade Agreements with the European Union and the United States, concerning arbitration prerogatives based on national law.
iclg | 8-Nov-2024
Six years after Achmea, the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce will now hear investment disputes outside the European Union.
CCSI | 14-Oct-2024
EU members should terminate extra-EU BITs. To facilitate the process, the EU could spearhead an instrument similar to the plurilateral agreement to terminate intra-EU BITs or based on the draft treaty language on termination proposed to UNCITRAL.
European Commission | 2-Jul-2024
The EU has taken the final step to exit the Energy Charter Treaty; the Union and its Member States have also reached a formal agreement to put an end to the continuation of intra-EU arbitration proceedings under the ECT.