Policy Mic | 25-mar-2014
The translantic trade agreement would undermine hard-fought regulations and open up a large part of the world to greater exploitation without regulation. Fracking would go global.
FTA Watch | 8-jan-2014
A five-minute video from FTA Watch (Thailand)
Democracy Center | 26-mai-2013
A new paper from the Democracy Center sheds an urgent public light on the system of international investment rules and arbitration tribunals that is being used by corporations to undermine citizen and government action on a range of urgent social and environmental issues.
TRNN | 14-fév-2013
Real News Network interviews Chakravarthi Raghavan on how companies can sue countries under trade and investment agreements
AJE | 8-déc-2012
Al Jazeera ask if the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations have rendered democratic decision-making irrelevant.
TNI | 6-jui-2012
An animation which exposes how people are paying the costs of corporate lawsuits under international investment agreements.