actions | résistance
Common Dreams | 16-aoû-2016
A major topic of discussion at the World Social Forum in Montreal was the problems with TTIP-style free trade agreements and how we can stop them, writes Nick Dearden
New Internationalist | 9-aoû-2016
As thousands discuss free trade at the World Social Forum in Montreal, Canada’s experience with NAFTA may offer lessons for the Netherlands, writes Niels Jongerius
| 3-aoû-2016
95 civil society organisations strongly and publicly urge countries negotiating the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership to reject ISDS in the agreement.
| 22-jui-2016
Las organizaciones y redes de la sociedad civil que firmamos esta declaración expresamos nuestro rechazo al avance del poder de las empresas transnacionales, que se sustenta en los diferentes tratados de libre comercio e inversiones que existen actualmente en los países de toda América
TTIP Free Zones Europe | 9-jui-2016
Aristoteli joined a growing movement of local authorities opposed to CETA and TTIP to deny the building of a polluter’s paradise
ATTAC Argentina | 7-jui-2016
Attac Argentine affirme son opposition à l’annonce faite récemment de l’intention de l’Argentine de payer les sommes réclamées par les entreprises multinationales auprès du CIRDI
TNI | 24-mai-2016
The Philippines has a web of investment treaties which severely constrain the government’s ability to regulate or close polluting mines, a legal straitjacket that will become even tighter if the EU–Philippines Free Trade Agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) proceed
Local Futures | 20-mai-2016
The Global to Local Webinar Series addresses key issues in the global to local debate.
S2B | 19-mai-2016
A new leak reveals that 5 EU member states are proposing to introduce investor-to-state dispute settlement for all cross-border investments within the EU.
Amigos de la Tierra | 20-avr-2016
La nueva propuesta europea perpetuará los ataques de los inversores a la salud y el medio ambiente.