Greek City Times | 5-Oct-2020
Greek investors who were affected by the Cyprus bail-in have sought legal resort and now seem to stand a fair chance to have their case tried and possibly recuperate a portion of their losses in a mass arbitration to be held before the ICSID.
Le Télégramme | 6-Aug-2020
L’homme d’affaires franco-libanais vient de remporter un nouveau jugement contre Athènes, qui lui contestait la propriété d’Hellenic Shipyards.
PR Newswire | 6-Oct-2017
Hellenic Republic is found liable towards Hellenic Shipyards for more than 200 million Euros at the ICC while shareholders are pursuing the Hellenic Republic at the ICSID pursuant to the relevant Bilateral Investment Treaty.
PR Newswire | 6-Oct-2017
La CCI condamne la République Grecque à payer à Hellenic Shipyards plus de 200 millions d’euros tandis qu’un arbitrage devant le CIRDI sur la base du Traité bilatéral d’investissement applicable est en cours.
In Cyprus | 25-Feb-2017
Greek investors claim that they were discriminated against and lost millions in the bail-in of Cypriot bank deposits some four years and have launched legal action against Cyprus.
Le Lézard | 23-Jun-2016
M. Iskandar Safa, co-propriétaire du Groupe Privinvest, un acteur dans le secteur de la construction navale, qui a pris le contrôle de Hellenic Shipyards SA, a présenté une requête d’arbitrage contre la République grecque au CIRDI
PR Newswire | 23-Jun-2016
Iskandar Safa, co-owner of the Privinvest Group, a global player in the shipbuilding industry, which took control of Hellenic Shipyards SA, submitted a request for arbitration against the Hellenic Republic at the World Bank’s ICSID.
TTIP Free Zones Europe | 9-Jun-2016
Aristoteli joined a growing movement of local authorities opposed to CETA and TTIP to deny the building of a polluter’s paradise
Greece Today | 17-Jun-2015
According to SYRIZA, ISDS undermined economic democracy by treating the rights of peoples and their elected representatives as equal to the rights of an economic oligarchy, essentially amounting to an exemption for large multinationals from democratic controls and continuing a conversion of western democracies to states where elections cannot bring about changes to economic policy.
WEED | 12-Dec-2014
The film explains how the settlement works and why it endangers necessary governmental rescue measures in financial crises as occurred in Greece, Cypress and Argentina.

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