AFTINET | 23-Apr-2018
Colombia’s decision to ban mining activities in the Páramos, a range of environmentally sensitive wetlands that provide approximately 70% of the country’s water supply, has so far led to three treaty-based arbitration cases.
AFTINET | 23-Apr-2018
Research shows that mining and energy industries are the most frequent users of Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanisms.
Litigation Finance Journal | 3-Apr-2018
Stans has entered into a litigation finance agreement to obtain incremental funding of Stans’ legal costs to continue with the international arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
La FM | 27-Mar-2018
La empresa espera que el país la repare por más de 32 millones de dólares tras delimitación del Páramo de Santurbán.
No al TTIP | 23-Mar-2018
Edgewater denuncia que un intermediario solicitó 1,5 millones a repartir entre Feijóo y altos cargos para llevar a cabo una megamina que luego fue vetada. La venganza de la empresa señala a Feijóo, un ex-conselleiro y a la empresa Sacyr en un conflicto en que la Administración ha gastado más de medio millón de euros.
Financial Post | 22-Mar-2018
The dispute offers another example of the rising tensions between mining companies and the government leaders in cash strapped countries where they operate.
Mining Weekly | 21-Mar-2018
Junior project developer Eco Oro Minerals has filed a memorial on the merits with the World Bank’s ICSID in its arbitration case against Colombia.
Cision | 15-Mar-2018
DC court ruled in Rusoro’s favour, rejecting all of Venezuela’s defenses and holding that the award was valid and enforceable in the United States.
Descifrado | 9-Mar-2018
La pequeña minera ruso-canadiense Rusoro habría ganado una demanda de 968 millones de dólares más intereses contra Venezuela por la expropiación de sus activos en el año 2012, a manos de Hugo Chávez. Así lo dio a conocer la casa de bolsa Rendivalores a través de Twitter. La información no ha sido oficializada.
Latin America Herald Tribune | 5-Mar-2018
US Federal District Court Judge Richard J. Leon has ordered Rusoro’s $1.2 billion ICSID Expropriation award against Venezuela registered in the US.